If there's a more complete computer-games Web site on the Net, we haven't found it. This page contains links to hundreds of games-related home pages; dozens of commercial pages; and oodles of FAQs, walk-thrus, game patches, hints, FTP sites, and online magazines.
Zarf's list of games is like a fully loaded toy box without the mess. Hot links connect you to interactive games, ranging from Netpoker to Name That Tune, as well as interactive toys, old and new.
58. The MUD Resource Collection
If you don't know your MUSH from your MOO, this is a good place to begin your explorations. MUDs (multiuser dimensions/domains/dialogs/dungeons) are online multiplayer fantasy games whose themes range from the social to the sociopathic.
59. Universal Access BlackJack Server
Care to practice your blackjack skills prior to playing for "keepsies" in Vegas or Atlantic City? No need for a partner when you can log onto this blackjack site.
60. SpeedNet (http://www.starnews.com/speednet)
From the point leaders on the NASCAR circuit to the budding political career of Richard Petty, this site's complete coverage of auto racing will keep any fanatic in the pole position.
61. The Basketball Server
Do ya love the game? Then you'll love the site. Game summaries, box scores, divisional races, and more will have any basketball fan spending more than three seconds here.
62. Fastball (http://www.fastball.com)
The best general-purpose baseball page around, with enough links to stories and stats to satisfy all but the most hard-core baseball fan.
63. NFL Game Day (http://nflhome.com)
It may be a predictable pick, but NFL Game Day, the official Web page of the (insert echo effects) National . . . Football . . . League, really is the best all-around information center for football.
64. The NHL OPEN NET (http://www.nhl.com)
The National Hockey League's site has everything you need to know about the coolest game in town: news, game schedules, rules, rosters, statistics, and lots more. There's additionally a Web version of NHL This Week, the league's official newsletter. The NHL OPEN NET even schedules live chats with popular players such as Pat LaFontaine, of the Buffalo Sabers.